Monday, November 25, 2019

A Vision of Students

Check out this video made by our CMNS 150 group addressing the realities students today face with digital media and school.

Check out my photo essay of the Vancouver Canucks vs Calgary Flames at Save-on-Foods Memorial Arena in Victoria, BC!

This is the first game the Canucks have ever played in Victoria; and local boy Jordie Benn playing for the Canucks and former Victoria Royals captain, Mathew Phillips, playing for the Flames.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

First cigarettes, now mobile technology: Sherry Turkle analysis

Sherry Turkle’s analysis of mobile technology impacting everyone in a negative way is similar to when people started to realize that smoking cigarettes are bad for one’s health. Mobile technology and cigarettes have a lot in common. For instance, they are both extremely addictive and are accessed at inappropriate times; they both become incorporated into our daily lives and are missed when unused for too long; and neither are going away any time soon. Now, cigarettes may not negatively impact our solitude like mobile technology does, but cigarettes cause cancer and lung disease whereas mobile technology does not. Therefore, in addressing Sherry Turkle’s question about how will people respond to the use of mobile technology; if society is able to adopt moderation to reduce cigarette related health issues than there is a good chance that it may be possible for society to once again adopt moderation for mobile technology. When people realize solitude, like better health, is what they are after then the reduction of mobile technology will surely follow. There is no example of this good faith more visible then the fact that groups of people immediately book their campsite and race to escape their mobile technology together.

Useless Victoria Council

In case if you haven't heard, Victoria council has stunned the city once again with a brash proposal. After survey recipients responded ...